Today we met through Zoom with the Zanskar local team of the Zanskar Health Association. The goal of those meetings is to have an overview of the last month and try to continue to improve the local team work on the ground.
We took some news. Many people come to take advantage of the facility in Tungri. Between 3 and 10 per day, with people coming regularly and new people.
The ZHA Amchi is keeping in contact with the Amchi Hospital in Padum and working together. Our Amchi identified some illnesses that would require some new medicine to be added to our stock in the future.
Naksit, our nurse, receives 3-4 patients daily for the past couple of months, with peeks of 10 people.

The ambulance is used in all kinds of emergencies, especially at night. In some cases, the ambulance will bring our staff directly to the patient.
During this winter, as there was less snow, the situation wasn’t as critical as in previous years. Still coughing stays one of the medical issues the ZHA faces during this period of the year.
Dental problems are a concern for our nurse, as she has some patients with dental issues. Prevention is a topic we need to think about and push.